'Fun'doo Games

Hey if you are not really a gamer but like solving puzzles and riddles ......then there are just the kind of games you are looking for.........

1.Professor Fizzwizzle (kinda flash)
2.Half Life 2:Portal

Now,Lets meet professor fizzwizle......
He is a scientist wandering on a lonely island fighting bots and passing obstacles he faces.

The missions are brilliant and well crafted ...........and most of them will need a good amount of thinking before you can move on.

Half Life series is one of the biggest hits the gaming industry has ever seen and another brilliant game to back up those achievements is Portal.

This game isn't a shooter as you can see but it happens as a science experiment in Aperture Science Laboratories.

You play the role of the subject participating in the experiment and you are guided by a voice generated by a computer.

Some of the things the portal gun can do is pictured as follows...........
One more thing that adds to the glory of the game is the song after the game is over.It is the best song in a video game till now.Sorry,couldn't upload the song.........but herez a link for the download of the song.You would enjoy it more if you have played the game.

Never say goodbye!!!
Take Care.


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