Time to kick Off!

Hi friends,

This is my first blog here and i want to just give a briefing about what's going to come u r way in the blogs that follow.
First of all,my english might not be that good ...so bare with me.(Just wanted to say this like every other gamer around who writes reviews).
I hail from south India...from the beatiful state of Andra Pradesh.I like to learn a lot of techie and geeky stuff coz i am really interested in computers,graphic cards and games.
Its been a great season for games this year ...especially on the pc.A lot of good titles have come in and i could just get my hands on the demos till now.The only game that made a lot of hype that is presently with me now is NFS ProStreet.I would be playing all the big titles released till date in the next year.

As of now I haven't completed nfsps ,so couldn't give a detailed review on that.But,the game hasn't impressed me much...except for the graphics and damage physics.I will be putting up a short review on that soon in the next blog.I know these blogs might not interest a majority of people,but these blogs are primarily for gamers.(Can't help it!).Adios!Take care.


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